Being late to school
Our school day starts at 8.45am and the school gate closes at 9.00am. Give your child the best opportunity to achieve and ensure they arrive at school ready for learning. When children are late, they miss key parts of their learning which impacts negatively on their progress.
- 5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost
- 10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost
- 15 minutes late each day 10 days lost
- Healthy snacks only to be brought in for after school clubs
- No toys or objects from home to be brought into school
- Black shoes should be worn, no crocs
- Navy jumpers/ cardigans only to be worn to school
- Long hair to be tied up
- No hoop earrings
TfL Travel Silver Award
We are delighted to share with you that Morningside has achieved the TfL Silver award, in recognition for our work to encourage safe, active and responsible travel.

Book Fair
We’re thrilled to invite you to our Book Fair, which will be held in the bottom hall on the following dates:
- Monday, 25th November
- Tuesday, 26th November
- Wednesday, 27th November
Time: 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
There will be a large selection of books available for all ages and interests—perfect for inspiring a love of reading or even for holiday gifts!
We’re pleased to accept both card and cash payments, so it’s easy to shop.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Reading Champions
This week, our Reading Champions have been busy getting ready for the upcoming Book Fair. They’ve been working hard on new initiatives to promote a love of reading across the school. Year 5 and 6 students can now take part in the exciting Reading Road Maps challenge. Additionally, the classes with the best reading records will win £5 book vouchers to spend at the Book Fair—happy reading, everyone!
Reindeer Run
On Monday, 2nd December, Morningside will be participating in the ‘Reindeer Run’ to help raise money for Homerton Hospital. For this, children will have the opportunity to run around the outside of the school with their peers and teachers, wearing a pair of reindeer antlers. We will be asking children to bring in a pound coin on this day – there will be collection buckets in the main office and on the front gate.

Tombola Prizes – Non-uniform Day
Next Friday, 29th December, children can come to school dressed in their own clothes. In return we are asking for children to donate a prize that we can use in the tombola at the Christmas Bazaar. All tombola prizes can be handed in at the school gates or front office. Prizes such as chocolates, candles, games, biscuits, soaps would be greatly appreciated.
Play update
It’s been lovely to see the children enjoying the playground with more sunshine this week. Please make sure children come into school with warm coats, hats and scarfs to keep them warm. We have lots of clothes in lost property so please make sure these are named and that children can put these things on independently. As Morningside is an OPAL Platinum school, we are inviting lots of other schools to see our playground next week. Make sure you check the update in next week’s newsletter for photos. Thanks again for the donations from families this week. Next week we are asking for donations of any outdoor wear: coats, wellies or any other items your children may have grown out of.
Winter Sports Camp
Nation Sports are hosting a Winter Sports Camp at Harrington HIll Primary School the week beginning 30th December. This sports camp is free to any children who are in receipt of Pupil premium funding. Click here for more details.
Parent Workshops – Understanding Autism
The Family Coach Service now has some dates for the Spring term which I have attached a poster for.
This training is open to ALL Hackney parents. To sign up you just need to email:

Reception admissions 2025 – 2026
If your child is aged between 3 and 4 (born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021), they will be starting reception class at primary school in September 2025.
All parents need to apply by 15 January 2025, even if your child is already at Morningside nursery.
You will need to apply online. If you would like any support to do so, please call the school office.
Apply here

Attendance Class of The Week
This week, we want to celebrate 4M who have 98%. A HUGE congratulations and keep up the excellent work, it has a great impact on learning and progress. You can help your child’s class win the weekly fruit platter by making sure they are at school everyday.

Being late to school
Our school day starts at 8.45am and the school gate closes at 9.00am. Give your child the best opportunity to achieve and ensure they arrive at school ready for learning. When children are late, they miss key parts of their learning which impacts negatively on their progress.
- 5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost
- 10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost
- 15 minutes late each day 10 days lost