Welcome Back
Welcome back, everyone! We hope you all had an amazing two week break. It has been so lovely to see all the children with big smiles on their faces ready for another great term of learning. They have had a fantastic start to the term and already achieved great things.
Parents Evening
Parents Evening is on Monday, April 29th from 3.30 – 7.50pm.
Please book an appointment using the Arbor Parent Portal. If you need your login information resent to you, please contact the office.
Salters Wild City Competition
In the Autumn term two children in 5S won a photo competition which meant our school was awarded a place in the Wild City biodiversity competition. This meant 5S worked with Salters’ Institute EDible landscapes to create a new green space in our playground.
Last term, 5S were busy creating their playground design ensuring they incorporated the 7 layers of a forest garden. They engaged in several workshops to support the development of their designs. Just before the end of the Spring term, we were notified that Morningside won the competition. A massive congratulations to 5S for their brilliant design. We will now be working with the EDible landscapes to bring their design to life. We will continue to update you on the playground developments.

Spelling Bee
A huge well done to all of the spelling bee finalists. All finalists were fantastic at learning their year group spelling words. Most year groups went to sudden death, which means they have to spell correctly the words from next year group. All spellers showed resilience and confidence when attempting to spell the words. A massive congratulations to the winners.
Year 1 winner – Dale 1S
Year 2 winner – Tierney 2S
Year 3 winner – Joel 3M
Year 4 winner – Hassan 4S
Year 5 winner – Jessica 5S
Year 6 winner – Hazal 6S
Reading Reward
Reading is a key priority at Morningside and we like to reward children who consistently engage with home reading and always try their hardest in reading lessons. Just before we broke for the holidays children from years 1-6 were invited to a very special tea party. This tea party was a reward for their huge efforts with reading across the term. Congratulations to the children who joined Jo at the tea party. We will be inviting more children this term to a special reading tea party. You can help your child secure an invitation by making sure they are reading for 20 minutes every night and completing their home reading diary.
Roll out of Medical Tracker
As you know we try very hard to keep parents regularly informed about first aid incidents and medication administration at school. Sending paper notifications home can often be problematic with slips often going astray along the way.
To help make improvements in these areas we have decided to use a service called Medical Tracker.
- We can record and track first aid incidents that involve your child
- We can record and track medication administration that involves your child
- You can be notified immediately after a first aid incident by email
- You can be notified immediately after medication has been administered by email
From next half term, Monday 3rd June, we will record and track first aid incidents that involve your child and you will be be notified immediately after a first aid incident by email. We will still call parents and carers about head injuries and significant incidents. You will continue to receive first aid slips until the end of this half term.
This term in PSHE our topic is “Relationships”. This explores relationships between families, friends and those around us. In KS1, the lessons focus on making friends, maintaining friendships and dealing with conflict. In KS2, children will discuss roles and responsibilities within families, love and loss, and how to be safe when using technology and social media. Our PSHE lessons provide a space to share, reflect and listen to each other’s views.
This week we hosted some international visitors from Belgium, Portugal and Hong Kong who came to look at our lunch time provision. They were incredibly impressed at the play offer our children had. They also comment on how well the children played together and how respectful they were.
Class of The Week: 1M 97.5%
The winning class is rewarded with a delicious fruit platter. Help your child’s class win by making sure your child is at school everyday next week.