In School Council…
We had a fabulous time learning about how bills become laws and the purpose of each house at Westminster Palace. We were fascinated by the history and architecture. ...
Message from Rachel and Jo Despite the grey weather and cold, it is has been a busy and productive half term at Morningside. This week the children have been marking Internet Safety Day; they learned how to keep safe on the internet and make the...
Despite the grey weather and cold, it is has been a busy and productive half term at Morningside. This week the children have been marking Internet Safety Day; they learned how to keep safe on the internet and make the internet a better place for all. You can see some of the children’s learning about this in the posts below.
We are sorry to say goodbye to Miss Pia who has left the role of pastoral manager. We are currently advertising the position and we will keep you updated. We are also seeking two lunchtime supervisors to support the children during the lunchbreak. The advert for these positions is on the website.
We know that lots of children have been unwell this half term, and we hope everyone is starting to feel better. Attendance is really important for learning and friendships, so we’re looking forward to seeing everyone back and ready for a great next half term!
We return to school on Monday 24th February at the normal time.
We’d like to everyone for all your support and good wishes during our first half term as co-headteachers and we hope that you all have a lovely break.
Rachel and Jo
Here is a link to a flyer which shows all our community events for the next half term: Spring 2 events
The PTA have two exciting events coming up next half-term and are looking for volunteers to help:
27th March 2025: Bake Sale
28th March 2025: Spring Fair.
If you would like to help, please email the PTA at or sign up at the office.
This week, we want to celebrate 3M and 3S who both have 94% attendance. A HUGE congratulations and keep up the excellent work, it has a great impact on learning and progress. You can help your child’s class win the weekly fruit platter by making sure they are at school everyday.
We had a fabulous time learning about how bills become laws and the purpose of each house at Westminster Palace. We were fascinated by the history and architecture. ...
Nursery have been developing their fine motor skills by threading through small holes and using their fingers to manipulate items....
Reception have been talking about how to stay safe online. We made posters to remind others to not share personal information....
Year 1 enjoyed their assembly learning all about Safer Internet Day and how to create a better internet....
Year 2 enjoying their last Family Friday before our half term break. We love reading with our parents and carers....
For our maths learning, we used the part part whole model as a representation for column addition....
In Art, Year 4were using viewfinders to help them focus on a specific part of an image....
Year 5 created posters to promote the importance of being safe online for Safer Internet Day....
In DT, Year 6 has been creating their own projects inspired by various artists....