Happy New Year
We would like to wish all our families a Happy New Year. We hope you had a lovely festive break and are having a great start to the new year. It has been lovely welcoming all the children back this week, seeing their smiles and hearing all about their break.
Christmas Bazaar
We wanted to thank you all for your many kind donations and for coming to the Christmas Bazaar. It was lovely to see so many families enjoying the different activities and stalls. For those of you who visited Santa’s Grotto, you would have experienced a real treat. It looked amazing and the children were all delighted to speak to Santa. The raffle was a highlight as we had so many amazing prizes to raffle off. Congratulations to all the winners. We raised an awesome total of £1415. Thank you.
Reception Application Deadline 15th January 2024
If your child was born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 then you need to apply for a reception place for September 2024. The deadline to complete the application online is 15th January 2024.
If you need any help completing the application, please contact the school office.
Wellbeing at Morningside is a priority. Each week we will be sharing information to support your child’s well being or your own. Below is a link to a questionnaire we would like you to complete so we can improve our well being offer.
We have also added information about well being on our website. Click here to have a look.
No cars should be using Chatham Place at drop off or pick up times
Chatham Place is a designated school street which means vehicles are not permitted to enter the zone during drop off and pick up times unless they have been granted an exemption. The scheme aims to tackle congestion, improve air quality at the school gates, but most importantly makes it easier and safer to walk and cycle to school. We are asking all our parents to respect this scheme and not to use Chatham Place during the restricted times.
The children’s safety is our priority and all adults have a responsibility that the children of our school are kept safe at all times.
All School Streets operate from 8.30am to 9.30am and 3pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term time
It is really important that your child is at school before the gates close so they are ready for learning. If your child is late this means they have missed key information that will help them with their learning and help them progress.
Getting to school punctually and every day is an important part of the school day. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child attends school each day and is on time.
We know that sometimes our pupils cannot come to school because they are really unwell – and that’s the right thing to do for them and other students. Medical advice is clear however that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend – for example if they have a cough, or cold, without a temperature. The NHS guidance: Is my child too ill for school? – NHS (www.nhs.uk) is designed to support parents in their decision making about mild illness.
We also know that pupils fall behind their friends and classmates when they miss school. At Morningside, we want the amount of missed education to be reduced as much as possible. We believe that our community is stronger together, with all of our pupils in school, on time, every day. We are building life skills, life-long friendships and preparing your child for future success.
Attendance Class of The Week
Each week, we will share the class, who has the highest attendance. This week, we want to celebrate 2M, who achieved 97.8%. A huge well done and keep up the excellent work; it has a great impact on learning and progress. At the end of the half term, the class with the highest attendance will receive a special reward.