Odd Sock Day
Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week. Odd Socks Day is an annual event that encourages the children to wear mismatched socks as a way of celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion. It’s an opportunity for the children to express themselves, celebrate their individuality and remind us that we are all unique.
On Monday 13th November, we are asking all children to come into school in odd socks.
Children in Need
BBC Children in Need is back on Friday 17th November 2023. To fundraise money for Children in Need, we are asking children to come into school in their pyjamas on Friday 17th of November and bring along a donation of £1. By being involved we will be making a huge difference to the children and young people who need us most.

Wild City Competition
A huge congratulation to Diarnie and Ayesha (5S) on their photography submission for the Wild City biodiversity competition. The Salters’ Institute judging panel were really impressed with the creativity of the images and how they related to biodiversity. This now means that our school is one of five schools competing in the next round of the competition. If we win the school will work with Edible landscapes to create a new green space in our playground. 5S will be involved in the next stage of the competition in which they will be designing a green space that incorporates the 7 layers of a forest garden. We can’t wait to see their designs.

Playtime Family Friday
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for Playtime Family Friday. This was an excellent opportunity for us to share what playtimes are like at Morningside.
Diwali lunch
Today the children ate a special Diwali lunch: biryani (chicken or veg), vegetable samosas and gajar halwa. They all agreed it was delicious.
Happy Diwali to all our families.

Lost property
We have a lot of lost jumpers, coats, hats, scarves and bags in the front office. All of it is unnamed. Please come and have a look if your child is missing any items of clothing. Please can you label all items of clothing with your child’s name, so they can be returned to your child.
Christmas Bazaar
Friday 15th December 2023 3:30-4:30pm
Raffle Tickets will be on sale from Friday 1st December from the school office. We are still seeking donations from local businesses. If you know anyone who may be able to donate a voucher or prize, please speak or email the school office. We are thrilled to have received a donation of scooter accessories from Micro Scooters. Renowned for revolutionising the school run, Micro Scooters make getting from A-B quicker, cleaner, greener, healthier, and more fun. We have 10 helmet, character head and bottle holder sets to give away in the raffle, each worth £40.

Holidays during term time
Please note that we do not authorise holidays in term time under any circumstances. Parents & carers need to ensure that they do not book holidays or flights before term ends or after term has begun. Please check the website for our school term dates.
Attendance Class of The Week
Each week, we will share the class, who has the highest attendance. This week, we want to celebrate 6S, who achieved 99.5%. A huge well done and keep up the excellent work; it has a great impact on learning and progress. At the end of the half term, the class with the highest attendance will receive a special reward.