Tombola Prizes
A huge thank you to everyone who donated prizes for our tombola. We now have lots of fantastic prizes for you to win.
Christmas Nativities
Nursery and Reception Nativity – Wednesday 13th December at 9.30am
Year 1 & Year 2 Nativity – Thursday 14th December, 9.15am M class families, 2.30pm S class families
Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Nativity – Monday 11th December, 9.15am M class families, 2.30pm S class families

Christmas Raffle
You can now start buying raffle tickets from the office every day before and after school. There are amazing prizes such as: an Amazon Kindle Fire 7, restaurant vouchers, cinema tickets, 3 lots of £50 M&S vouchers, £100 Amazon voucher, food hamper, food treat tower, micro scooter helmet and character headsets to give away in the raffle, each worth £40 and two kids packs donated from Arsenal football club and much more.
£1 for a strip of raffle tickets. The more you buy, the higher your chances to win!
The draw will be on 15th December at 4.15pm at the Christmas Bazaar.
Christmas Jumper Day
On Thursday 7th December, it is Christmas Jumper day. Children can come to school wearing their Christmas jumpers instead of their school uniform jumper.

Christmas Bazaar Friday 15th December
We are looking forward to hosting our annual Christmas Bazaar. There will be lots of fun stalls, delicious food, a tombola, raffle and of course a Santa’s Grotto.
Time: 3.30 – 4.30pm
Where: Bottom and top halls
When: Friday 15th December
There will be no after school clubs or play centres on this day.
Walk bikes and scooters in the playground
A gentle reminder to walk all bikes and scooters in the playground please. As soon as you enter the school gates, can you please ask your child/ren to hop off their scooters and bikes. This will keep our school community safe. Thank you for your support.
Family Coach Parent Support
As we come to the end of the winter term, the Family Coach Service wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for helping make this term’s Parent Empowerment Groups a success.
Next half term is a bit of a short one but we do have some fantastic groups coming up!
They are now taking bookings for Spring 2 and the Summer term. They will be running these on ‘Increasing Confidence and Reducing Stress as a Parent’ and then in the summer term will also open up to do groups around transitions and the upcoming summer holidays.

School Uniform expectations
Children are expected to come to school in their uniform each day. This includes wearing navy jumpers and fleeces. Please make sure all items of school uniform are labelled with your child’s name.
PE kit – white t-shirt, black or navy tracksuit bottoms and school navy jumper/fleece on top.
Medical Appointments
Parents/carers are asked to make every effort not to arrange appointments during the school day, except in emergencies. Please do not keep your child off school for the entire day unless absolutely necessary. If your child has a medical or dental appointment during school time, please inform the school office. You will be asked to provide a letter or appointment card.
Reception Admissions
If your child is aged 3 and 4 (born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020) they will be eligible to start reception class at primary school in September 2024. All parents need to apply by 15 January 2024, even if your child is already in the nursery class.
To apply please click here
If you would like any help with this process please speak with a member of the office team.
Attendance Class of The Week
Each week, we will share the class, who has the highest attendance. This week, we want to celebrate 2M & 4M, who achieved 97%. A huge well done and keep up the excellent work; it has a great impact on learning and progress. At the end of the half term, the class with the highest attendance will receive a special reward.