Vision: The overall goal within the Early Years Foundation Stage at Morningside is to create a positive learning environment that enables all children to grow and develop in all areas of the curriculum. We endeavour to provide a stimulating learning experience by creating wonderful indoor and outdoor learning spaces.
During the EYFS day, children engage in purposeful play and exploratory activities. Each day is planned to provide a range of experiences and activities that encourage independent thinking and choosing, as well developing childrenโs communication and social skills when working alongside peers.
In the Foundation Stage the curriculum is made up of seven areas of learning:
The Prime areas are fundamental and work together, and filter through all other areas to support development:
The Specific areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society:
We aim to increase childrenโs understanding, encourage them to think and to improve their language competence. We allow children to be creative, to explore and investigate materials, and to be imaginative. Through these planned activities children will learn important early mathematical, linguistic and scientific concepts. They will also be acquiring social skills through their interaction with others. We actively promote learning to share, to take turns and to care for others. We offer the children a variety of outdoor spaces such as their own playgrounds, the infant playground. We use these outdoor areas as an extension of the classroom, offering children experiences, which support their learning in all of the areas.
Please have a look at our EYFS Theme Maps to see what themes and books we are covering over the year.
Rainbow Nursery (2 year old provision)
School Nursery (3 year old provision)
Watch our videos to see our children learning and playing in our Reception and Nursery and Rainbow nursery classes.
Information about Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Links to videos related to the 7 learning areas and programmes for 0 to 5 year olds:
There are also many useful websites for early years children:
The following apps are recommended for young children: