In Year 6…
Nets and 3D shapes in Year 6 for NSPCC Number Day today! How many possible nets do you think can make a cube?...
Message from Jo and Rachel Happy Friday! It has been so lovely today seeing all the children and staff in their bright clothes, shining brightly for Children’s Mental Health Week. The children really enjoyed the bubbles and the music at the gate this morning; it...
Happy Friday! It has been so lovely today seeing all the children and staff in their bright clothes, shining brightly for Children’s Mental Health Week. The children really enjoyed the bubbles and the music at the gate this morning; it was a very happy start to Friday. During the week, the children have taken part in Emotional Wellbeing workshops with Young Hackney. They all learnt about ‘Five to Thrive’. These are 5 key things we can all do to help keep our minds healthy: Connect, Stay Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, and Giving.
Next week, we break up for the half term holiday on Friday 14th February at 3:30pm.
We hope that you all have a lovely weekend.
Jo and Rachel
The PTA have two exciting events coming up next half-term and are looking for volunteers to help:
27th March 2025: Bake Sale
28th March 2025: Spring Fair.
If you would like to help, please email the PTA at or sign up at the office.
Next week as part of our assemblies we will be focusing on integrity and respect for others. We will be teaching the children useful vocabulary to support them asking adults for help when things go wrong. Please see the image below for a helpful description of the difference between conflict, being rude, being mean and bullying.
Internet Safety Day will take place on the 11th of February and this year we will be learning about how to protect ourselves whilst online.
We will be holding a parent pop in to support parents with any questions or concerns about online safety on Tuesday 11th February at 8:30am.
This week, we want to celebrate 4S who have 98% attendance. A HUGE congratulations and keep up the excellent work, it has a great impact on learning and progress. You can help your child’s class win the weekly fruit platter by making sure they are at school everyday.
Nets and 3D shapes in Year 6 for NSPCC Number Day today! How many possible nets do you think can make a cube?...
Year 5 loved the Emotional Wellbeing Workshop with Young Hackney. They discussed the importance of their mental health, learned new facts about their classmates and played a fast-paced game of Simon Says to understand why keeping active can help....
In writing, Year 4 are learning how to write dialogue between two characters. We know that we can use reporting clauses before direct speech....
In History this week, Year 3 were archaeologists classifying and analysing different artefacts to theorise what they were used for....
Year 2 wrote fantastic recounts of our focus story ‘Monsoon’. We shared our writing with our peers....
For NSPCC Number Day, Year 1 have been exploring shapes using different mediums. We discussed patterns and properties during exploration....
Reception have loved reading The Gruffalo this week. The children have been retelling the story using small world prompts and paper puppets. They have especially enjoyed reading the books with their friends....
Our JRSOs conducted a “Safety Around our School” Audit to ensure that the safety measures put in place for safer travel are in good condition....