What is happening in year 4?
Year 4 has recreated propaganda posters from WW2 in history! They learned how the government used these to encourage people to think and act a certain way. [gallery ids="6134,6135"] ...
Year 4 has recreated propaganda posters from WW2 in history! They learned how the government used these to encourage people to think and act a certain way. [gallery ids="6134,6135"] ...
In history, year 3 looked at different sources to investigate whether the Factory Act was a good thing for Victorian child workers or not. In our pairs we have to debate this question and find evidence to support or argue against the claim. [gallery ids="6129,6130"]...
Year 2 have been creating pouches using a running stitch. They concentrated extremely well to ensure they were able to successfully sew their textile creation. They decorated their pouches using fabric paintings and drawings. [gallery ids="6124,6125"]...
Year 1 learnt about the different tools to gather information about the weather. We had so much fun handling a thermometer and comparing the temperature of our classroom and playground. They have also enjoyed being scientists and learning about the different food animals eat. [gallery ids="6115,6116,6117,6118,6119,6120"]...
Reception thoroughly enjoyed their sports day morning. They enjoyed jumping, balancing and spirting. They all showed great sportsmanship towards their peers and were fantastic at encouraging each other. Well done Reception for displaying excellent attitudes. [gallery ids="6109,6110,6111"]...
The children in the nursery have been mastering their scissor skills this week as they have been focusing on their fine motor skills. They have been using lots of one-handed tools to cut, draw, thread and mark make. [gallery ids="6104,6105,6106"]...