What is happening in Reception?
Reception had another fantastic session at Forest Schools this week. They used hammers to help create leaf prints. ...
Reception had another fantastic session at Forest Schools this week. They used hammers to help create leaf prints. ...
This week, year 1 went to Hackney Museum as part of the Black History learning. They enjoyed exploring the museum and learning all about the African Communities in Hackney. ...
Year 2 had another brilliant science lesson where they were investigating materials to find out if they were waterproof or absorbent. They tested four different materials and observed what happened. They were able to draw some conclusions about the different materials based on their properties. ...
This week in science, year 3 has been learning about the human skeleton. We used a pattern seeking enquiry to investigate if height was related to bone length. ...
In science, after carefully observing their egg experiment they finally found out the results. They concluded that vinegar decayed the egg shells the most! They recorded our observations on a table. ...
Four year 5 pupils were selected to attend the Junior Road Safety Conference held by Hackney Council. Our junior Road safety officers had the privilege of meeting The Speaker of Hackney, Anya Sizer. They received training on organising & providing learning to others about road...
Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their science workshop all about evolution. They examined an extensive collection of fossil specimens through eight different prehistoric time periods and discovered how life on earth changed over time. They had the opportunity to record their findings through observations and shared...
Nursery have been learning to count to three. They have used concrete and pictorial resources to support their learning. They know it is really important to only count each object once. Ask them to show you how to count three objects at home. ...
This week, reception has been busy in the outdoor provision. They have been exploring a variety of materials through sensory play. They loved practising their mark making skills in the shaving foam. They are excellent at making different patterns. ...
This week, year 1 have been using their working scientifically skills in science by identifying which materials are transparent, translucent and opaque. They discovered that glass is transparent, paper is translucent and foil is opaque. They also visited King Henry’s Walk-Garden Classroom to learn about how...