In Reception…
In reception this week we are reading the story The Train Ride by June Crebbin. We are having lots of fun role playing different train journeys. Watch us here [gallery ids="11464"] ...
In reception this week we are reading the story The Train Ride by June Crebbin. We are having lots of fun role playing different train journeys. Watch us here [gallery ids="11464"] ...
Nursery children used farm animals to compare weight using language ‘heavier, lighter and same as’ [gallery ids="11458,11459,11460,11461"]...
Nets and 3D shapes in Year 6 for NSPCC Number Day today! How many possible nets do you think can make a cube? [gallery ids="11287,11288,11289,11290"]...
Year 5 loved the Emotional Wellbeing Workshop with Young Hackney. They discussed the importance of their mental health, learned new facts about their classmates and played a fast-paced game of Simon Says to understand why keeping active can help. [gallery ids="11282,11283,11284"]...
In writing, Year 4 are learning how to write dialogue between two characters. We know that we can use reporting clauses before direct speech. [gallery ids="11277,11278,11279"]...
In History this week, Year 3 were archaeologists classifying and analysing different artefacts to theorise what they were used for. [gallery ids="11271,11272,11273,11274"]...
Year 2 wrote fantastic recounts of our focus story ‘Monsoon’. We shared our writing with our peers. [gallery ids="11265,11266,11267,11268"]...
For NSPCC Number Day, Year 1 have been exploring shapes using different mediums. We discussed patterns and properties during exploration. [gallery ids="11293,11294,11295"]...
Reception have loved reading The Gruffalo this week. The children have been retelling the story using small world prompts and paper puppets. They have especially enjoyed reading the books with their friends. [gallery ids="11256,11257,11258"]...
Our JRSOs conducted a “Safety Around our School” Audit to ensure that the safety measures put in place for safer travel are in good condition. [gallery ids="11250,11249,11247,11248"]...