What is happening in Year 4?
Today in PSHE year 4 learned about the health risks of smoking and vaping. We read different facts about smoking, and discussed the reasons why people might start smoking. [gallery ids="8259,8260"]...
Today in PSHE year 4 learned about the health risks of smoking and vaping. We read different facts about smoking, and discussed the reasons why people might start smoking. [gallery ids="8259,8260"]...
This week in design & technology, we have begun building our frame structures. We used straws to create a frame structure. We attached our straws with blu-tac. We considered how to make single sides and then built more complex frames using our understanding of 3D...
This week in maths, we have been continuing our learning of 3D shapes. We made some 3D shapes which helped to describe and count how many edges, vertices and faces they have. One strategy we found useful to accurately count the number of faces of...
This week in design and technology, we described the taste, smell and texture of different fruits. It was important that we worked hygienically and safely. We discussed why it was important to wash our hands in soapy water before we prepared or touched any food....
Reception have loved looking at Monet’s beautiful water lily pond paintings. We have created our very own lily pad ponds using paint, paper plates, cupcake cases and tissue paper. We have also created a larger version of our own lily pond painting too which will...
In PSHE, we have been learning about leading a healthy lifestyle. We looked today at what drugs are, and what drugs are legal and illegal. We discussed how drugs can be harmful and the dangers of taking drugs. [gallery ids="8160,8161,8162"]...
This week in maths, we have been focusing on converting measures. We have been engaging in practical activities measuring items and then converting them. We have been using our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 to support our calculations. [gallery ids="8153,8154,8155,8156"]...
In RE this week, we were sharing our thoughts on what it feels like to belong to a group or a community. We came up with words to describe our communities, and then we created our own unique club. [gallery ids="8148,8149"]...
In science, we are learning to identify the structure of a flowering plant. We went on a scavenger hunt and identified different parts of different plants. We collected the parts in groups and classified them together. [gallery ids="8142,8143,8144"]...
This week in maths, we have been learning to sort, describe and name polygons. We have been comparing the shape, size and vertices of polygons. [gallery ids="8136,8137,8138"]...