What is happening in Year 2?
Year 2 have been practising their two, five and ten times tables. We are getting really fast at our facts. This is helping us solve multiplication and division problems. [gallery ids="8847,8848"]...
Year 2 have been practising their two, five and ten times tables. We are getting really fast at our facts. This is helping us solve multiplication and division problems. [gallery ids="8847,8848"]...
In writing, we have been busy editing and publishing our fantastic writing about Florence Nightingale’s life and achievements. We needed to include verbs and adjectives, use capital letters and write in the past tense. When we edited our work we were looking to make sure...
This week, we have had another amazing experience at Forest School. We didn’t let the weather dampen our afternoon and embraced all the muddy puddles. Fingers crossed the sun is out for our next visit. [gallery ids="8834,8835,8836"]...
This week in nursery, we have been practising drawing oval shapes to improve our mark making skills. We have used different mark making tools to draw our ovals. [gallery ids="8828,8830,8831"]...
This week in science, we really enjoyed dissecting and labelling parts of flowers. We learnt and used the words stamen, anther, carpel, stigma to describe the different parts of a plant. We learnt that plants reproduce in different ways. We know that young plants that...
In our design and technology unit, textiles, we began making our purses. We used our knowledge of different stitches to sew. We used oversewing to join to pieces of fabric as the sticking goes over the edge of the fabric. The trickiest part was sewing...
This week is Mental Health Awareness week and we were lucky enough to participate in a workshop, delivered by Young Hackney, about emotional wellbeing. We discussed why mental health is important and we learned how to take care of it. We know that one way...
Today in PSHE we revisited our knowledge of the zones of regulation and strategies we can use to self regulate. As a class we discussed different emotions we may feel at different times and what colour this is associated with. In pairs, we arranged different...
This week in maths, we continued our learning of measure. We have been learning how to measure correctly with a ruler, read the length in centimetres and record the length. When we measure an object with a ruler we must start at 0 and not...
In maths this week, we have been subitising numbers to 5 and using a rekenrek. Subitising is recognising how many things are in a group without having to count. Our partner would choose a number and make the amount on the rekenrek and the other...