In Year 2…
Year 2 shared and read passages from their favourite books and poems. Watch us here. [gallery ids="11541,11542"]...
Year 2 shared and read passages from their favourite books and poems. Watch us here. [gallery ids="11541,11542"]...
Year1 had a fantastic time on their science spring walk. They spotted lots of the features of spring. [gallery ids="11546,11547,11548,11549"]...
Reception have been busy mixing, flipping, counting and tasting pancakes. [gallery ids="11528,11529,11530,11531"]...
Nursery had fun dressing up as their favourite book character for World Book Day. [gallery ids="11524,11523,11522,11521"]...
In Year 6 maths, we’ve been revising fractions. We started looking at everything we know about one half. [gallery ids="11498,11499,11500,11501"]...
Year 5 have started their new writing cycle. In their immersion lesson, they learnt about Greek myths and, in groups, performed their own version. [gallery ids="11493,11494,11495"]...
In PSHE, Year 4 were discussing what makes a healthy friendship. We wrote down people we are closest to and why we trust them. [gallery ids="11488,11489,11490"]...
In Year 3, we are focusing on the column method in Mathematics. See some great work from our children using Dienes to help regroup during their calculations. [gallery ids="11482,11483,11484,11485"]...
In Science this week Year 2 have started their unit on Habitats. We were grouping things we found in our playground into ‘alive’, ‘dead’ and ‘never been alive.’ The class correctly pointed out that we are all alive! [gallery ids="11474,11475,11476,11477"]...
In writing Year 1 have been creating their own Gruffalos out of paper. [gallery ids="11467,11468,11469,11470"]...