What is happening in Year 5?
This week in computing, we had a fantastic afternoon creating quizzes using coding. We added in sound effects for incorrect answers using the ‘if’ ‘then’ conditionals. [gallery ids="9496,9497,9498"]...
This week in computing, we had a fantastic afternoon creating quizzes using coding. We added in sound effects for incorrect answers using the ‘if’ ‘then’ conditionals. [gallery ids="9496,9497,9498"]...
In history this week, we were learning about the roles of women during World War 2. We had some great discussions! [gallery ids="9489,9491,9492"]...
Year 3 have finished writing their 5 point-plot Quest narrative and they were extremely proud to publish their work. [gallery ids="9483,9484,9485"]...
As part of our World of Work Week learning, year 2 visited the Homerton Fire station. We learned all about fire fighters jobs, sat in the fire engine and even sprayed their hose! We had a fabulous time. [gallery ids="9478,9479"]...
This week in maths, year 1 have been learning to tell the time to the hour. We know that the minute hand is always on 12 when it is an o’clock time and the shorter hand, hour hand, points to the hour. We enjoyed practising...
This week, reception have been very busy. In maths, they have learnt about prepositions/positional language. We built a city using blocks and then described the position of all of the different objects. We played a game with our friends and gave them instructions on where...
This week in Nursery, we had a graduation ceremony for the children who will be moving up to Reception. We discussed all our achievements throughout the year and our highlights of Nursery. We will miss you all. [gallery ids="9461,9463"]...