This week in Year 5…
Year 5 built on their previous knowledge of programming to program a Crumble Controller which produced a coloured flashing light in Computing. [gallery ids="11076,11075,11074"]...
Year 5 built on their previous knowledge of programming to program a Crumble Controller which produced a coloured flashing light in Computing. [gallery ids="11076,11075,11074"]...
Year 6 have been discussing the negative stereotypes around the Vikings this afternoon in History. We compared two different accounts of the same raid, assessing their reliability. You can watch our videos here. [gallery ids="11079,11080,11081"]...
In Science, Year 4 have been testing materials such as paper clips, coins, string and wooden sticks to find out if they are insulators or conductors. [gallery ids="11069,11070,11071"]...
In Geography, we worked together to find four-figure grid references on our maps. We worked together and supported each other. [gallery ids="11063,11064,11065,11066"]...
Year 2 put finishing touches to their coil pots in art. [gallery ids="11060,11059,11058,11057"]...
This week we have been learning more about shapes in Maths. We used Multilink to build 3D tetrominoes and pentominoes. [gallery ids="11051,11052,11053,11054"]...
There has been some wonderful writing in reception this week. You can watch a great video here. [gallery ids="11042,11043,11044"]...
Nursery children had a great time developing gross and fine muscle control whilst moving to music. [gallery ids="11036,11037,11038"]...