In School Council…
We had a fabulous time learning about how bills become laws and the purpose of each house at Westminster Palace. We were fascinated by the history and architecture.ย [gallery ids="11420,11421,11422,11423"]...
We had a fabulous time learning about how bills become laws and the purpose of each house at Westminster Palace. We were fascinated by the history and architecture.ย [gallery ids="11420,11421,11422,11423"]...
Nursery have been developing their fine motor skills by threading through small holes and using their fingers to manipulate items. [gallery ids="11414,11415,11416,11417"]...
Reception have been talking about how to stay safe online. We made posters to remind others to not share personal information. [gallery ids="11408,11409,11410,11411"]...
Year 1 enjoyed their assembly learning all about Safer Internet Day and how to create a better internet. [gallery ids="11405"]...
Year 2 enjoying their last Family Friday before our half term break. We love reading with our parents and carers. [gallery ids="11398,11399,11400,11401"]...
For our maths learning, we used the part part whole model as a representation for column addition. [gallery ids="11395"]...
In Art, Year 4were using viewfinders to help them focus on a specific part of an image. [gallery ids="11390,11391"]...
Year 5 created posters to promote the importance of being safe online for Safer Internet Day. [gallery ids="11385,11386,11387"]...
In DT, Year 6 has been creating their own projects inspired by various artists. [gallery ids="11379,11380,11381,11382"]...