This week in Reception…
There has been some wonderful writing in reception this week. You can watch a great video here. [gallery ids="11042,11043,11044"]...
There has been some wonderful writing in reception this week. You can watch a great video here. [gallery ids="11042,11043,11044"]...
Nursery children had a great time developing gross and fine muscle control whilst moving to music. [gallery ids="11036,11037,11038"]...
In writing, Year 4 researched information about elephants to help them write a non-chronological report. We are really looking forward to reading them. [gallery ids="11009,11010,11011,11012"]...
In Science, Year 2 became anatomists. First, we compared the sizes of our hands. Then, we drew our hands and measured them using a ruler. [gallery ids="11002,11003,11004,11005"]...
Reception have amazing building skills and always help each other. We have been using a range of construction toys to independently build during play. [gallery ids="10996,10997,10998,10999"]...
In maths, we have been learning about money. We have been using different coins to make the same amount and talking about their equivalence. [gallery ids="10991,10992,10993"]...
Year 5 have started the new term by learning about area in maths. We counted the square units for different polygons then challenged each other to draw and describe the area of shapes. [gallery ids="10987,10985,10986,10984"]...
The nursery children had a great time exploring numbers and shapes in the environment. [gallery ids="10974,10975,10976"]...
In maths, Year 1 have been learning about how pattern blocks can be rotated to create other shapes and pictures. [gallery ids="10967,10968,10969,10970"]...
In Year 6, we’ve started straight back to school with some SPaG to prepare for our non chronological report writing. Look at our amazing work. [gallery ids="10953,10952,10954"]...