This week in Year 4…
In Science, Year 4 have been testing materials such as paper clips, coins, string and wooden sticks to find out if they are insulators or conductors. [gallery ids="11069,11070,11071"]...
In Science, Year 4 have been testing materials such as paper clips, coins, string and wooden sticks to find out if they are insulators or conductors. [gallery ids="11069,11070,11071"]...
In Geography, we worked together to find four-figure grid references on our maps. We worked together and supported each other. [gallery ids="11063,11064,11065,11066"]...
Year 2 put finishing touches to their coil pots in art. [gallery ids="11060,11059,11058,11057"]...
This week we have been learning more about shapes in Maths. We used Multilink to build 3D tetrominoes and pentominoes. [gallery ids="11051,11052,11053,11054"]...
There has been some wonderful writing in reception this week. You can watch a great video here. [gallery ids="11042,11043,11044"]...
Nursery children had a great time developing gross and fine muscle control whilst moving to music. [gallery ids="11036,11037,11038"]...
In writing, Year 4 researched information about elephants to help them write a non-chronological report. We are really looking forward to reading them. [gallery ids="11009,11010,11011,11012"]...
In Science, Year 2 became anatomists. First, we compared the sizes of our hands. Then, we drew our hands and measured them using a ruler. [gallery ids="11002,11003,11004,11005"]...
Reception have amazing building skills and always help each other. We have been using a range of construction toys to independently build during play. [gallery ids="10996,10997,10998,10999"]...
In maths, we have been learning about money. We have been using different coins to make the same amount and talking about their equivalence. [gallery ids="10991,10992,10993"]...