New Edible Forest Garden
Our new edible forest garden was unveiled to children this week after many months of planning and hard work. It is absolutely incredible. The lovely smells from plants invite you into the area to explore and discover how the different elements will help return biodiversity to our playground. The many features including a pond, bug hotel and an archway will bring a sense of calm and peacefulness to our playground, as well as enriching the children’s learning. In our garden we are growing sage, loveage, nasturtium, oregano, chicory, bay, thyme, fennel, apple mint, horseradish, grape leaves and berries. We are looking forward to using these in the school kitchen and in our food technology lessons. Thank you 5S and the edible gardens team for creating such a lovely space for our school community.
Reading Tea Party
Congratulations to Jevina, Mohammed, Fatma, Canaan, Isnaba and Amoré for being selected to attend the half termly reading tea party. These children were chosen as they regularly read at home, complete their reading diaries and have put in a huge effort in each reading lesson.
A group of children at Morningside were invited to take part in a sailing festival this week. They were put into pairs and given the responsibility of steering and driving their own boats. They had the best time and nobody fell in!
Global Running Day
To celebrate Global running day all classes participated in the daily mile. Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer to our physical and mental health and the power of unification.
Feelings and Relationships family Friday
On Friday 14th June we are inviting families in years 1-6 to join a special Family Friday focused on Feelings and Relationships. In classrooms, children will teach you about Zones of Regulation, which is how we use colours to identify feelings and emotions. At 9:20am there will be a session for parents and carers in the training room run by Jessica from Tender. The session will be on ‘Healthy Relationships and Friendships’.
When: Friday 14th June
Time: 8.45 – 9.15 am
Where: Year 1 to Year 6 classrooms
What: Family Friday focused on Feelings and Relationships
This term in PSHE the children will be learning about “Changing Me”. In year 1 and year 2, children will learn about life cycles in nature and girls’ and boys’ body parts. In year 3, children will also learn about babies and family stereotypes. Year 4 learn about having a baby and puberty, and year 5 will discuss conception. In year 6, children will learn about self-image, conception and boyfriends and girlfriends. This unit finishes with all year groups looking ahead to the following year and identifying what they are looking forward to about their new class.
Curriculum map
Ice Lolly Sale
From next Friday we will be selling ice lollies in the front playground. All money raised goes towards the school.
When: Friday afternoons (unless it is raining)
Where: Front playground
What: Ice lollies
How much: 50p (cash only)
Outdoor Family Camping
Would you and your family like to try out camping this summer?
Worried you can’t afford to get away? Outdoor Family Camping helps Hackney families enjoy a week-long holiday in the countryside…
For the last ten years, Outdoor People have taken families from Hackney to spend a week under canvas on a working farm in Kent. These camping trips take place in August. You’ll join other families and learn how to pitch a tent, help feed the farm animals, pick fresh vegetables for dinner, toast marshmallows over an open fire and sleep under canvas.
If you’ve never been camping before but are willing to try, contact Outdoor People to find out more.
They will supply all the kit; all you need to bring is a sense of adventure!
As a social enterprise, they have a number of places available to families on very low incomes.
To apply, fill out this application form:
You could also send an email to:, call/text Tom on 07930 017 123
Link to further information
Medical Tracker
RE: Roll out of Medical Tracker: phase 2
As you know we try very hard to keep parents regularly informed about first aid incidents and medication administration at school. Sending paper notifications home can be problematic with slips often going astray along the way.
Over the last half term, we have been using Medical Tracker to record and track medication administration. From Monday 3rd June, we will record and track first aid incidents that involve your child, and you will be notified immediately after a first aid incident by email. We will still call parents and carers about head injuries and significant incidents. From next half term, you will no longer receive paper slips; these will be replaced with email notifications.
IMPORTANT – When we start using Medical Tracker, email messages will be sent from Please add this address to your email address books (or approved sender list) to prevent messages from being blocked by your SPAM/JUNK filters.
Please speak with us at the gate if you have any questions.
Class of The Week: 6M 98.6%
The winning class is rewarded with a delicious fruit platter. Help your child’s class win by making sure your child is at school everyday next week.